Choosing a Hair Transplantation Center

What Should Be Considered While Choosing a Hair Transplantation Center?

FUE hair transplant operation is perhaps the most preferred Medical Aesthetic procedure by men in recent years. Given the importance of visuality and social media today, it is not hard to foresee that this type of operation will become increasingly popular by the time.

The expansion of the hair transplantation sector and the increasing demand of patients cause the professionals to meet this demand by misleading patients through giving wrong titles and information on the internet.

Unfortunately, the number of clinics where this procedure is carried out by people who pretend to be a doctor with titles such as hair transplant coordinator and hair transplant specialist is many times more than the number of clinics with real physicians. Some of these people are not actually of medical origin, and others are not authorized to perform this procedure. They only need to work as assistants under the control and responsibility of a medical doctor.

Choosing the right one for yourself among thousands of clinics that perform sapphire hair transplantation will prevent the regret you will experience every time you look in the mirror for the rest of your life.

We explain the most essential criteria in choosing a hair transplantation center to guide you:

Qualifications of the Medical Team

Do you have the information of your doctor (Hair Transplant Surgeon), who will perform your operation, on the web page of the clinic you have contacted with?

Ask questions about the medical school he graduated from, which you’ve seen on his CV. If there is no information about the doctors on the site, stay away from those centers. You have the right to know who will deal with you during the transplantation that will affect the rest of your life.

Also, research what stages the doctor who will perform your procedure will complete and how many patients he admits in a day. Do not forget that the hair transplant operation is a long process (6-8 hours). It takes mostly 1-2 patients in a day, considering the time doctor spends on examination, planning, hairline, and operation.

Clinic Accreditation and Licensing

In Turkey, you can have this operation in only hospitals, medical centers, or doctor clinics allowed by the Ministry of Health. Initially, learn where this operation will be performed. If they have given you some addresses of a residence, villa, or apartment flat, ask for their permit documents from the Ministry of Health. If your operation is to be made in any of these places, there will be no required equipment and a well-educated team to intervene in the emergency. Do not forget that it does not matter when things go well, the most important thing is to have a well-educated and skilled team in your operation to intervene professionally and organize everything in the crisis.  

Transparent Pricing and Packages

The main point of hair transplantation is correct planning. For a correct and natural look, expect the right treatment plan when you apply to clinics. The points to be considered in these treatment plans are the presentation of how many grafts can be taken according to the donor capacity, hairline, anterior region, middle hair region, and how many grafts can be transplanted to the top with correct data according to the doctor’s planning per cm2.

Considering that FUE hair transplant clinics generally give information to patients with assumptions, calculating the amount of hair to be transplanted in cm2, and the required number of grafts with simple geometric calculations will be an indicator of how serious the clinic takes the procedure. In addition, the fact that the hair transplant center cares about your health condition, disease history, and medications you use indicates that you are in the right place.

Social Media, Before and After Photos

Social media and the development of the internet have enabled FUE hair transplant clinics to easily present the photos of their patients to those at the stage of clinic selection. At this point, before and after the operation, photos directly affect the decision of many people. When choosing the clinic by looking at these photos, it is necessary to pay attention to the photos that have not been tampered with and are taken in good quality.

Reviewing before and after photos of previous patients is an excellent way to gauge the clinic’s track record and the quality of its work. Authentic clinics often showcase these photos on their websites or provide them upon request. Pay close attention to cases similar to your own in terms of hair loss pattern, age, and hair type.

When examining these photos, look for natural-looking results with well-defined hairlines and consistent density. Be wary of clinics that rely heavily on overly edited or Photoshopped images.

Comments and Number of Social Media Followers

Since the number of followers on social media is a virtual number that can be bought easily, a higher number of followers does not mean that it is better. Don’t let this mislead you. In addition, comments on various platforms may contain comments written to convince you. Nevertheless, the experiences of those who had the operation before you are very important, so it is wise to carefully review the experiences or complaints of patients on various platforms on the Internet.

Consultation Process

A reputable hair transplant clinic will offer a thorough and informative consultation process. During this stage, you should have the opportunity to discuss your concerns, expectations, and goals with the clinic’s medical team. They should assess your suitability for a hair transplant, explain the procedure in detail, and provide personalized recommendations.

The consultation should also cover topics such as post-operative care instructions, potential risks and complications, and recovery time. Take this opportunity to ask questions and address any doubts you may have.

Type of Hair Transplant Technique

There are only two Hair Removal methods (FUE and FUT), and two different hair transplantation methods (Manual or DHI) accepted worldwide. Apart from these, clinics are creating various terms to attract patients and these are quickly viral on the internet, and after a while, they are adopted as the best method by patients.

Suppose you search the internet with FUE hair transplantation today. In that case, you will frequently encounter that painless hair transplantation, indolent hair transplantation, ICE FUE, and Golden FUE methods that do not exist in the world and the literature. The fact that the clinic you are considering choosing promises you these prove that the clinic is not patient-oriented.

No doctor wants his patient to experience any pain. Unfortunately, there is currently no technique to prevent pain during local anesthesia before sapphire hair transplantation. In recent years, technologies that apply local anesthesia with pressure under the skin without using needles as a marketing tool have been marketed as painless anesthesia. The cause of the pain in local anesthesia is drugs that are used more than needles. For this reason, no matter how you apply it, patients will experience some pain according to their pain threshold. Remember that clinics that promise you all of these are disingenuous.

Facilities and Technology

Visit the clinic’s website or contact them directly to inquire about the facilities and technology they utilize. Modern, well-equipped facilities with advanced technology can enhance the safety and effectiveness of the procedure.

State-of-the-art equipment, such as robotic hair transplant systems and high-resolution microscopes for graft preparation, can contribute to more precise and successful outcomes. Ensure that the clinic maintains high standards of cleanliness and infection control.

Operation Details

Will your sapphire hair transplant operation be performed correctly? The best way to understand is to ensure the hair transplant center records every detail to follow the quality standards. It is very important to observe the operational stages and how the quality control mechanisms work. Details such as the successful removal of the hair taken from the donor area, acceptable fracture rates, storage of the grafts taken, and single and multiple hair follicle graft selections for a natural result during transplantation will indicate the clinic’s success in the field of FUE hair transplantation.

Pre and Post-Operative Medications

Has the hair transplant center recommended any medications before and after the operation? Did he not only consider you a surgical patient but also inform you about complementary treatments for hair loss? Do not forget that the clinics that deal with your hair loss as a whole will provide you with the result you want.

Right of Revision and Repetition of Hair Transplantation In Case of Failure

Although all clinics believe they will supply you with the best service, it may take 1-2 years for the results to be observed. Multi-factorial reasons such as post-operation care process, circulatory disorders, severe shedding, transfer of hair from outside the safe donor area to the transplantation area, and smoking can cause unsuccessful results that you often hear from your circle. Didn’t your hair grow even though you followed all the processes required by the clinic? In this case, finding a clinic that will stand by you and revise you when necessary would be beneficial.


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