Hair Transplant Turkey

Hair Transplant in Turkey

Hair transplant Turkey, with its quality and medical tourism privileges, is one of the main reasons why approximately 1,000,000 men from all over the world prefer to have hair surgery operations in Istanbul/Turkey.



In European countries, for many people, it is tough to know if they can afford a hair transplant Turkey or not since the operations are expensive and they are charged per graft.

Most hair transplant in Turkey clinics in Turkey offer their patients All Inclusive hair transplant packages. These hair transplant packages include necessary medications, all transfers and accommodation gratis, and the price is not affected if how many grafts are transplanted. They also promise there is no hidden cost, which leaves no question mark if people can afford their transplant or not.

Hair Transplant Turkey Cost 2024

Compared to hair transplant in Turkey costs with the United Kingdom or European countries, hair transplant Turkey cost one third or one fourth in Turkey. Most Turkish clinic offers a hair transplant Turkey in range $1.300- $2.000 cost.

Types Price Range Smile Hair Clinic Price Range in Turkey Price Range in the UK Price Range in Europe Price Range in America
Fue € 2390 – € 3290 € 1999 – € 6500 £ 4690 – £ 10090 € 3450 – € 4850 $ 11400 – $ 15900
DHI € 3290– € 4830 € 2490 – € 6000 £ 10600 – £ 13090 € 5550 – € 31190 $ 13800 – $ 12300
Manuel Fue € 3390 – € 6890 € 3490 – € 7990 £ 15750 – £ 30090 € 12700 – € 41390 $ 11900 – $ 12500
Sapphire Fue € 2390– € 3290 € 2099 – € 6990 £ 5750 – £ 14090 € 4700 – € 6300 $ 13900 – $ 12590

Hair Transplant Turkey Methods: FUE, Sapphire & DHI

Techniques  Advantages Duration
FUE (Follicular unit extraction)  The absence of evident scarring.

This procedure is less invasive thanks to the use of a small punch.

A little pain can be felt after the intervention.

2 to 4 hours
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation)  It is an excellent option needed as a technical graft.

It is cheaper than FUE.

The recovery time is shorter than other methods.

4 to 12 hours
DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) The application of the follicle is performed without shaving the receiving or donor area.

No stitches are used in this technique.

You can obtain more natural outcomes. 

8 Hours 
FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery) A greater quantity of hair bulbs can be taken.

This technique is more suitable for vast alopecic areas.

The possibility of damaging the micrografts during the subdivision phase is practically impossible.

2 to 5 hours Sapphire
Sapphire FUE Less scarring appears on the scalp.

No complications occurred after the operation.

A higher thickness of the grafted hair can be achieved due to this procedure. of 

How much is 3000 grafts hair transplant Turkey?

As previously said, a number of variables can affect how much a hair transplant Turkey will cost. However, a 3,000 graft hair transplant Turkey would normally cost between $3,000 and $9,000. This is based on the average range of $1 to $3 per graft.

Please note that this is only an approximate estimate and that final costs may differ. In order to obtain reliable cost information based on your unique requirements and the services provided by each provider, it is advisable to speak with various clinics and surgeons. Additionally, prices are subject to change, so it’s crucial to ask about the most recent prices.

How much does 3500 graft hair transplant cost?

Similarly, more than 3500-5500 grafts are utilized to repair hair loss surgically when this case is evaluated in the 4-6th grade of baldness. Therefore, it is predicted that the cost of a graft hair transplant in India could reach up to Rs. 3,35,000.

How to choose the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey?

·        Leading research clinics
·        Explore your situation
·        Learn about surgeon
·        Check out before and after photos
·        Search for reviews
·        Pre- and post-operative care
·        Check if there is Online Support
·        Make sure it’s a clinical setting
·        Pay attention to the experience of doctors
·        Follow their social media

How much does a good hair transplant cost in Turkey?

The price of a hair transplant Turkey can differ significantly based on a variety of variables, such as the clinic’s standing, the surgeon’s experience, the method employed, and the quantity of grafts needed. In Turkey, the average cost per graft was between $2 and $3 USD, with a normal range of $1 to $4 USD.

Based on the quantity of grafts needed, the following is a ballpark estimate of the price of a hair transplant Turkey:

  • $1,000 worth of grafts: $1,000–$4,000
  • $2,000 to $8,000 for 2,000 grafts
  • $3,000 to $12,000 for 3,000 grafts

hair transplant Turkey shown here are approximations. It’s important to remember that picking a clinic only on the basis of price is not advised. Safety and quality ought to come first. While reputable clinics may have greater costs, their expert surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, and superior patient care make them worth it.

It’s crucial to do extensive research, read reviews, verify the credentials of the medical staff, and make sure the clinic complies with all applicable laws and standards before choosing one. Do not forget to account for any additional expenses related to follow-up appointments and post-operative care.

Are Turkish hair transplants good?

Hair transplant Turkey have gained a reputation all over the world due to their national quality standards and affordable prices.

Have you really prepare yourself for the operation?

Before the hair surgery operation, we recommend that you pay attention to the following points:

  • Make sure that you have asked all the necessary questions and that you have received clear answers.
  • Stop smoking and taking aspirin 7 days before, and drinking caffeine, green tea and alcohol 3 days before the operation.
  • Arrange so that there is a resting period of at least 3  days following the  procedure.
  • Make sure to have a healthy breakfast before the operation. If the operation is after lunch, we recommend instead a light meal.
  • On the day of the procedure, you must wear a buttoned up shirt or a sweatshirt with a front zipper. Avoid wearing clothing that may come into contact with your head when undressing or dressing up, in order to prevent any potential damage to the newly transplanted grafts. 
  • Make sure to be on time at the clinic. Key Stages of a Hair Transplant Istanbul Procedure You have made all the preparations, it is finally the day of your operation and you have arrived at the clinic on time.

How much does a hair transplant cost Turkey?

Between $2,500 and $4,500 USD

The price of a hair transplant in Turkey might differ based on a variety of variables, including the clinic, the experience level of the surgeon, the method employed, and the quantity of grafts needed. But as of March 2024, when I wrote my latest update, hair transplants in Turkey usually cost between $2,500 and $4,500 USD. For more involved operations, certain clinics could provide discounts or bundle offers.

There are three key stages to a hair surgery procedure:

  1. The Preliminary Stage: This stage covers all the steps from the moment of your arrival to the administration of local anesthesia. Blood Tests: This is the first key step to determine whether or not the patient might have a condition preventing them to go ahead with the procedure. The drawing of the blood should take no longer than a minute, and the results will be out by the time you finish listening to the introductory presentation by our doctors. Introductory Presentation and Graft Quality: This presentation by our doctors is unique to Smile Hair Clinic as it helps to prepare you psychologically for the operation and at the same time informs you about graft quality and its impact on the final results. The information provided helps set realistic expectations by dispelling the false promises and the exaggerated results advertised.
  2. The Planning of the Procedure: During this step, you will have your individual consultation with the doctor where he/she will begin by listening to your expectations. The doctor will technically assess whether those expectations can be met, and if necessary, provide alternatives with visual demonstrations. The plan of the procedure will then be finalized taking into consideration both patient input and the doctor’s technical recommendations. The blueprint of the procedure will be drawn onto the scalp and your hair will be shaved in preparation for the local anesthesia. During this stage, you will be asked to wear a patient gown and all your personal belongings will be kept safe in the room cupboard reserved just for you.
  3. Local Anesthesia: Hair transplant Istanbul are performed with local anesthesia. The patient is awake throughout the procedure. While you may feel a slight burning for the first few injections, you will feel no pain for the rest of the operation. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes for the local anesthesia to take effect depending on the person.
  4. 3.The Hair Transplant Istanbul Procedure: The procedure consists of 3 key phases. Extraction: Until recently grafts were extracted using the Manual Punch FUE Method. Due to technological advancements, this method has given way to the Micromotor FUE Method which allows for a faster and increased extraction of grafts per session. The extracted grafts are then collected using a pen-set and are separated by hair density ready for implantation. The grafts are maintained in a special protective liquid throughout this procedure. The Opening of Canals:The most critical phase of a hair transplant Istanbul procedure is the opening of canals as it will impact the natural look of transplanted hair. The number of extracted hair determines the number of canals to be opened. Local anesthesia is administered this time to the recipient area to prevent pain. Since the gradient and depth of the canal will directly impact the natural look, it is important that it is performed by experienced surgeons. The final result one year from the procedure will be greatly determined by the success of this phase. The vast experience of our doctors at Smile Hair Clinic will guarantee this success. Implantation: The last step is the implantation phase. The length of the phase can differ from patient to patient depending on the number of extracted grafts, the patient’s overall condition, and the level of their bleeding. Once the grafts are implanted carefully the hair transplant Istanbul procedure is completed.

How painful is a hair transplant?

Hair transplant Turkey is not a painful procedure. Pain is minimized as painkillers and local anesthesia are applied during hair implant. We do everything we can for the comfort of the patient during the operation. The definitive solution to hair loss treatment is hair surgery.

Is a hair transplant a good idea?

Does hair transplantation work? Yes, definitely! There are some factors that should be considered during hair transplant Istanbul. The transplanted hair starts to grow after approximately 6 months.

DHI Hair Transplant Turkey Cost

One of Turkey’s popular hair transplant techniques is Direct Hair Implantation (DHI), which has become known for its innovative procedures with natural and dense outcomes. DHI involves implanting hair follicles directly into the scalp without having to prepare any channels (micro incisions) beforehand. Grafts are implanted after extraction via a special tool called a choi pen. It is believed to be a more delicate and less aggressive procedure.

How Much Does DHI Hair Transplant Cost in Turkey

Turkey is one of the top locations for hair transplants, and therefore, it showcases some of the very best surgeons. The average price for direct hair implantation in Turkey is from $2000 to $5000, and it can vary, depending on how experienced the surgeon is and the reputation of the clinic.

Is Hair Transplant Charged Per Graft?

While the most prevalent pricing method around the world, is not very common at hair clinics across Turkey. Instead, hair transplant Turkey procedures are priced per operation usually as part of an all-inclusive package. The prices for these package deals depend on the details of the deal as well as the price quality ratio of each clinic. The most ideal solution for a prospective patient is to do plenty of market of research to compare the exact details and the quality of the service provided. Patients should approach with caution if a given offer is comparatively much lower or much higher than the average price of a package deal on offer.

Things to Consider After Hair Transplantation

Hair transplant Turkey Your hair transplant procedure is successfully complete. Now it is time to go over the points to watch out for following the procedure. It will take about 12 to 18 months for the transplanted hair to adjust to their new home and to fully grow back. The first 3 months will require some patience as the transplanted hair will gradually fall off. Some responsibility falls upon the patient during this phase. The final appearance is as much the result of a successful procedure as it is the success of the post-operative care taken by the patient. Reducing the amount you smoke, eating a healthy diet, avoiding the use of commercial shampoos, and the taking of vitamin complexes and products that nourish your hair will together help with the recovery and successful growth of your new hair. It is important to note that cases where the patient ends up dissatisfied with the final result are often the cases where the patient has failed to provide adequate post-operative care following a successful hair transplant. As with all aesthetic procedures, post-operative care is key to achieving the best possible results. Smile Hair Clinic provides its patients with all the necessary information immediately after the hair transplant Turkey procedure and will continue to monitor and support you throughout this process. We also provide a post-operative kit which includes a handbook with more detailed information about post-operative care.

How long do hair transplants last?

Between 120 days and 150 days after the hair implant operation, new hair begins to grow and continues to grow at a normal rate. About 6 months after the hair surgery session, the transplanted hair starts to grow and continues. The transplanted hair does not fall out and continues to grow for a lifetime.

What is the success rate of hair transplant?

  Hospital and clinical studies show that 85-95% of the transplanted hair grows easily in the area. A high rate indicates that hair transplant Turkey is generally successful. Patients think that the newly transplanted hair will be rejected on the scalp and are afraid, but this is not the case. 

Do Hair Transplant Last Forever?

Microtransplants leave virtually no scars. They also preserve much of the hair that will be needed for future transplants. The coverage achieved depends on the extent of your hair loss, the density of your donor hair and the number of treatments. Much of the transplanted hair will fall out within a month. About three months later (90 to 100 days), new hair begins to grow and continues to grow at a normal rate. About six months after a hair transplant, the transplanted hair begins to take on a natural appearance and will continue to grow for life. The donor area from which the hair is extracted shrinks to a small, barely noticeable incision line that is completely hidden by the surrounding hair. 

Why is Turkey so cheap for hair transplant?

Turkey is known for performing hair transplants at a fraction of the cost of other countries. And many people ask why hair transplant Istanbul are so cheap in Turkey. The affordable prices do not mean that the clinics are offering you inferior treatments. Turkey’s costs are lower than other countries, which is why the prices are lower. Turkey’s affordable labour costs give the clinics a big advantage over European competitors in determining the cost of hair transplant Turkey procedures. One of the biggest costs for any business is the physical location in which it operates. There are more than 1,200 hospitals in Turkey. The weakened Turkish lira and continued foreign exchange earnings have helped many clinics to obtain good in-hospital rates, which is reflected in their cost structure to the great benefit of patients.

How long do hair transplant last Turkey

  A hair transplant Turkey is a good way to achieve natural looking results. Although this procedure is designed to restore hair, the results will depend on the surgeon you choose. This is why it is important to consult a doctor who is experienced and understands hair loss. The condition of your hair will also affect the results. For you to be considered a good candidate for hair transplantation, your hair must Have the ability to grow on the scalp Healthy enough to be transplanted to the area that needs hair With a hair transplant Turkey you will get permanent results. However, it may take some time for your skin to heal after the procedure. The healing process can take between 6 and 12 months and the transplanted hair can start to grow and fill in the bald areas. Unfortunately, this process is permanent and you will not be able to go back to the way you were. 

Does Low Cost Means Low Quality?

Low hair transplantat Istanbul cost may cause some to hesitate and think low price also means low quality.

The reason why hair transplant Turkey cost and other treatments are so affordable is the balance between Turkish currency and GBP, EURO, and USD. Currency balance is the main reason you may have a top quality hair transplant and other treatments in a very experienced clinic or hospital.

In the past two decades, Turkish surgeons number working in the hair transplant field has been grown significantly—this increased competition. So as a marketing strategy, clinics decreased their cost.

 Turkish doctors and hospitals are famous for their experience and accomplishing challenging surgeries with success. When you do your research, you should know, Turkey has been one of the top destinations for dental treatments, eye, cancer and plastic surgeries for many years.

In fact, many years before Turkey became the most preferred destination for hair restoration, for the last 20 years, people from the United Kingdom and other countries had been travelling with their friends as a tour and having eye laser surgery and dental treatments after a lovely vacation.

Also, clinics which perform hair transplant needs to be accredited by Turkish Health Ministry. Routine visits guarantees clinics meet the requirements for the best quality.

Hair Transplant Prices by Countries

Hair Translant Turkey € 2,390 – € 3,290
Hair Transplant UK (England) € 6,690 – € 31,500
Hair Transplant United States € 11,300 – € 26,200
Hair Transplant Germany € 6,100 – € 13,200
Hair Transplant Spain € 5,700 – € 15,500
Hair Transplant France € 7,500 – € 15,700
Hair Transplant Ireland € 6,700 – € 23,000

hair transplant turkey cost

What Is All-Inclusive Hair Transplant Package?

All-inclusive package means that the price includes:

  • Airport to hotel and hotel to clinic transfers
  • Medications you need before, during and after surgery.
  • Accommodation in a 4-star or a 5-star hotel
  • A translator who can speak your mother tongue
  • Free online aftercare services

You can plan your journey before you land in Turkey, and you will know exactly how much you will pay for your FUE hair transplant.

How much does hair transplant Istanbul cost?

The typical cost per graft in hair transplant Istanbul might be somewhere between $1 and $3. This implies that the projected cost for 3000 hair grafts could range from $3,000 to $9,000.

It’s critical to perform extensive research, go through reviews, and select a reliable facility with skilled surgeons. Make careful to set up meetings with prospective clinics so you can talk about your particular situation and receive a precise price quote that takes your needs into account.

It should be noted that costs might have changed since my previous update, therefore for the most up-to-date details, I suggest contacting individual hair transplant Istanbul clinics.

Turkey Hair Transplant Package

In Turkey, hair transplant packages frequently come with a number of extra services and facilities. These packages could differ from clinic to clinic, but they usually include all of the necessary parts of the hair transplant process. The following are typical components that a hair transplant package in Turkey could contain:

  • Consultation: An first meeting with the surgeon to evaluate your hair loss, talk about your objectives, and figure out how many grafts are required.
  • Hair Transplant operation: The primary surgical operation that involves graft preparation, transplantation, and hair follicle extraction (often through the use of the FUE technique).
  • Medical Staff Fees: These are the costs related to the surgeon and other members of the medical team.
  • Local Anesthesia: The sum for the local anesthetic used during the treatment.
  • Lodging: A portion of the packages might include a specific number of nights at a hotel in the city or next to the clinic.
  • Transportation: Travel between the clinic and lodging, as well as airport transfers.
  • Post-Operative Care: prescriptions, follow-up visits, and guidelines for post-operative care.
  • Translation Services: Help with language translation while you’re visiting, if needed.

Although these components are frequently included, it’s vital to remember that every bundle is unique. It’s also important to thoroughly check the details because certain packages can contain optional add-ons or exclusions.

When thinking about a hair transplant package, picking a reliable facility with skilled surgeons is essential. Examine reviews, get prior patient before and after pictures, and look over the clinic’s qualifications in detail.

Lastly, speak with the clinic personally to get the most precise and recent details about their programs, including any extra fees that might not be included in the basic plan. Since prices can have changed since my last update, it’s critical to confirm this information with the clinic directly.

Who is the top hair transplant surgeon in Turkey?

Hair transplant Istanbul well-known hair transplant facility, Dr. Gökay Bilgin, Dr. Mehmet Erdoğan facility, is well-known for its proficiency with cutting-edge techniques. The clinic’s founder, Dr. Gökay Bilgin, Dr. Mehmet Erdoğan is a renowned hair transplant Istanbul surgeon with a wealth of experience.

Frequently asked Questions

Why do so many people travel to Turkey for hair transplant surgery?

Turkey is a leader in hair transplant surgery for many reasons. The first of many is that Turkey is a country of healthy people. It is home to many prestigious international universities, most of which specialise in medicine. Students from all over the world come to Turkey to study medicine and stay to practice what they have learned, giving Turkey a worldwide reputation. Turkey’s hospitals, clinics and doctors, both public and private, are world renowned. This allows Turkish doctors to develop their speciality. There are medical procedures that can only be performed under the of Turkish specialists. All this helps to create a healthy medical environment where investment in medical knowledge, people and equipment always pays off.

Do Hair Transplant Look Naturel?

Today, you can get natural results thanks to an important improvement. Most surgeons now transplant a few healthy hairs at a time. This eliminates the unnatural doll’s hair that patients saw in the 70s and 80s. In those days, pieces of hair called plugs were placed in the thinning area. Over time, the plugs became quite prominent. Improvements in the creation of the hair growth line and the placement of hair in thinning areas also help to achieve natural looking results. Thanks to these advances, the results can look so natural that your hairdresser or stylist won’t be able to tell that you’ve done anything.

Can Transplanted hair fall out?

Yes. Temporary hair loss is common after a hair surgery. This is a temporary (and rather ironic when you think about it) side effect of hair restoration. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, transplanted hair falls out two to eight weeks after surgery as a result of shock. Hair usually looks thinner by the third month after transplantation. Once the shock is over, the transplanted follicles begin to produce hair normally. As your transplanted hair grows, it will appear thicker and healthier.

Is Istanbul Good for Hair Transplant?

Hair transplant Istanbul has become very popular and is now almost as common as other cosmetic procedures. It’s a life-changing procedure that will give you a huge boost in self-confidence, a quick recovery and lifelong results. But one of the most important questions you should ask yourself is where to have it done. Hair transplant Istanbul is one of the most popular destinations for hair implantss. It is home to some of the best clinics in the world and often sets the industry standard in terms of pricing, patient care and treatment options.

Can I wear a cap After Hair Transplant

Many people who have had a hair transplant Istanbul want to know when they can cover their head because they don’t like the scabs after the hair i. Over the next few days, your scalp may swell and you may experience bleeding and scabbing. During this time, you may feel comfortable covering your scalp to hide the hair surgery. However, experts recommend that you wait 7 to 10 days before wearing anything on your scalp. Damage to the grafts can lead to hollow areas on the scalp and damage the entire hair restoration process. After 7 to 10 days, it is considered safe to wear a head covering. However, experts recommend that you do not use any instruments that put pressure on the scalp for at least 3 months after the hair implant Your surgeon will recommend that you wait at least 10 days before wearing a hat. However, if you want to cover your head, you can wear a loose hood or hat after discussing it with your doctor.

Is Turkey Best For Hair Transplant?

However, when it comes to hair transplant in Turkey has undoubtedly become one of the top players in the industry. Thousands of people are having hair transplant Istanbul here for good reason. Here we have gathered the best hair transplant Turkey clinics and surgeons in Turkey, including all the information you need about hair loss treatment, hair implant and hair restoration in Turkey, as Turkey has recently become one of the most popular countries in the world for hair surgery Turkey.

Which hair transplant is best? 

Patients who have undergone FUE hair transplant Turkey surgery may start to see results around two months after the procedure. On the other hand, more visible growths usually become more pronounced after six months and full results generally appear 12 to 18 months after the procedure. Perhaps the most obvious benefits of FUE hair transplant Istanbul are a faster recovery time and less discomfort because there are no stitches. For this reason, FUE hair transplant Istanbul is the procedure of choice because it promises better results, less pain/discomfort, no scarring and a greater effect. FUE hair transplant Turkey can last a lifetime, so whether FUE or FUT, the most important thing about hair implants is to maintain the characteristics of the donor hair follicles and ensure healthy growth.

What is the best age for hair transplant?

Anyone between the ages of 18-65 can have hair implant after the approval of their health status by the doctors, but the recommended age for hair surgery is between the ages of 25 and 65.

Will you go bald again after hair transplant?

Under normal circumstances, a patient will not experience baldness again after hair transplant Istanbul surgery. Since the hair follicles taken from the donor area are taken from the back and sides of the head due to their nature, the probability of shedding is very low.

Do hair transplants turn GREY?

Hair transplant Istanbul surgery does not change the color of your hair. In rare cases, the operation may cause premature graying of some of the transplanted hair, but does not affect its overall health or longevity. When the donor area starts to turn gray, of course, the same will happen in the transplanting area.

Can transplanted hair grow long?

There is no limit to the growth of the transplanted hair.clearly. The transplanted hair is your own hair. After hair implant, your hair will continue to grow continuously.

Is Turkey trustworthy for hair transplant?

Yes, it is trustworthy;

Every year, thousands of people prefer Turkey for hair transplant Istanbul. The reason for this is successful doctors and affordable prices.

How do you sleep after hair transplant?

What is the best sleeping position after hair transplant Turkey?

The safest sleeping position is to lie on your back.

For the safety of the grafts, your head should be slightly elevated for the first 10-12 days, you need to use a neck pillow and you need to support your body from the right and left sides with other pillows.

Are hair transplants worth it?

Definitely worth a hair transplant Turkey.

If you have a baldness problem and are uncomfortable with this condition, hair transplant Istanbul is the safest and surest way for you.

Is it better to go bald or get a hair transplant?

This is a completely personal preference, but Hair transplant Turkey is the best choice against hair loss.

How successful are hair transplants?

Hair transplant Istanbul gives the most definite result for hair loss and the success rate is over 85%. Your transplanted hair is your own hair and the transplanted hair does not shed again.

Does Turkey hair transplant last?

Hair transplant Turkey, Will the results be permanent? The hair follicles that are transplanted are genetically-resistant variance baldness so they will, in principle, continue to increase over your lifetime.

Can I fly after a hair transplant?

This can result in the swelling starting to affect your forehead and eyes making it difficult for you to open your eyes. To not increase the risk of this occur, we counsel not flying after your hair transplant Turkey for 7 days.

Why is Turkey famous for hair transplant?

Because Turkey offers great hair transplant turkey packages and deals. In addition, patients can undergo procedures at much more affordable prices than in the United States. And most importantly, Turkey’s Hair Transplant Istanbul Results are much better than other countries.

Does hair grow back in the donor area used for hair transplantation?

The donor area doesn’t grow back. But, when the grafts are extracted properly, the removal of part of the hair is invisible.

When do we should haircut after a hair transplant?

When will I be able to cut my hair after hair transplant Turkey? We never recommend a haircut for the first month. After one month, you can use the machine for the non-donor area, you should use scissors for the other areas.

Where do celebrities get their hair transplant from?

Celebrities, like anyone looking for a hair transplant Istanbul, often consult professional hair restoration surgeons and clinics. Although the number of places and companies in hair surgery is very high, our hair transplant Turkey operations are of very high quality.

Do hair grafts fall out simply?

It is sparse for grafts to fall out in the first few days after hair transplant Istanbul. Most of the time, patients think that the hair shed after operation is the transplanted hair. But, studies show us that the survival rate of grafts is very good.

Are the transplanted hairs white?

Although hair transplant Istanbul surgery does not change the color of your hair, only in rare cases, the procedure can induce premature graying of some of the transplanted hair but does not affect its overall health or longevity. As the transmitting area begins to gray out, the receiving area will eventually do the same.

Is Turkey worth it for hair transplant?

Hair transplant Istanbul may or may not be worthwhile for you depending on a number of criteria, including your priorities, needs, and preferences. To assist you in making an informed choice, take into account the following:


  • Cost-Effective: Compared to many Western countries, Turkey is frequently more affordable for hair transplant Istanbul surgeries. A wider range of people may be able to afford the surgery thanks to its reduced cost.
  • Surgeons with Experience: Turkey is home to a large number of highly qualified and experienced hair transplant Istanbul surgeons with a long track record of successful surgeries. Certain clinics have earned a good reputation for producing satisfactory outcomes.
  • Service Quality: A few Turkish clinics uphold excellent medical standards by utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and following global guidelines for healthcare.
  • Opportunities for Tourism: Turkey is a well-liked travel destination with beautiful scenery, historical landmarks, and a rich cultural legacy. For many people, the possibility of combining a hair surgery with a vacation can be appealing.

Taking into account

  • Study is Crucial: Clinics may differ in the caliber of their offerings. Make a thorough investigation and select a reliable facility with skilled surgeons. To be sure the clinic satisfies strict requirements for professionalism and safety, look for endorsements, reviews, and certificates.
  • Personal Experience: Everybody will have different results, so it’s important to set reasonable expectations. Talk to the surgeon about your objectives and make sure you are aware of the dangers and possible results.
  • Aftercare and Follow-Up: Take into account whether follow-up appointments and aftercare services are offered. The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the post-operative care.
  • Travel Considerations: Take into account the cost of transportation, lodging, and the amount of time needed for the full procedure, which includes the recuperation period.

In conclusion, for individuals looking for affordable options and prepared to travel, Turkey may be a good choice for a hair transplant Istanbul. When selecting a choice, it’s critical to put quality, safety, and personal needs first. Make sure the medical staff and facilities of your choice make you feel at ease and confident by consulting with several clinics and asking questions.

Turkey Hair Transplant Cost

Turkey is a popular hair transplant destination since it is known for providing excellent operations at lower costs than certain Western nations. A hair transplant Turkey can cost different amounts depending on a variety of criteria, such as the reputation of the clinic, the competence of the surgeon, the techniques employed, and the quantity of grafts needed.

In Turkey, the average cost per graft is between $1 and $3. Thus, to give a ballpark estimate:

  • The price for 1000 grafts might be between $1,000 and $3,000.
  • The price for 2000 grafts could be between $2,000 and $6,000.
  • The price for 3000 grafts might be anywhere from $3,000 to $9,000.
  • The price for 5000 grafts might be anywhere from $5,000 and $15,000.
    It’s crucial to remember that these are only approximate costs and that actual costs may change depending on the particular clinic and its pricing policies. It’s also critical to analyze all aspects of the surgery, including any potential additional charges, and to select a reputed clinic with skilled surgeons.

I suggest getting in touch with particular hair transplant Istanbul clinics in Turkey, explaining your unique requirements, and requesting customized pricing estimates for the most accurate and current information. As prices can have changed since my last update, it’s imperative to confirm with clinics directly.

How much does 3000 hair grafts cost?

A hair transplant cost cost can vary significantly based on a number of factors, such as the clinic’s location, the surgeon’s background and reputation, the technique utilized for the transplant, and the patient’s specific demands. Furthermore, the quantity of grafts needed could have an impact on the price.

In the US, the average cost per graft can vary from $4 to $8. Thus, roughly speaking, the cost of 3000 hair grafts might range from $12,000 to $24,000. Remember that these are only approximations and that actual costs may vary.

Hair grafts vary in price from $1 to $12 per unit. In response to your inquiry, the approximate cost of 3,000 hair grafts is between $5,000 and $35,000. It’s critical to keep in mind that your expenses go beyond the actual cost of the hair transplant.

It’s imperative to speak with a licensed hair transplant price surgeon for a customized evaluation and an accurate price quote based on your unique circumstances. It is advised to seek quotes from several respectable clinics and go over the specifics of the treatment, including any additional expenses that might be applicable, as prices might range between nations and areas.

How many hairs is 4000 grafts?

A 4000 grafts is how many hairs? The number of hairs per graft is a common question among those thinking about getting hair surgery. You’ll be happy to learn that a transplant including 4000 grafts extracted from your donor site should result in between 6200 and 8950 hairs.

How much does 5000 grafts hair transplant cost in Turkey?

The price for 5000 grafts might be anywhere from $5,000 and $15,000 in Turkey.

How much is 5000 hair grafts in Turkey?

In Turkey, especially Istanbul, the price of hair transplant Istanbul treatments can differ depending on a variety of factors, including the clinic’s reputation, the experience of the surgeon, the techniques employed, and the quantity of grafts needed. In Turkey, the average cost per graft is between $1 and $3.

The projected cost for 5000 hair grafts could range from $5,000 to $15,000, contingent on the previously mentioned variables. It’s critical to remember that these are only approximate costs and that actual costs may differ.

I advise getting in touch with respectable hair surgery, ideally ones with excellent evaluations and skilled doctors, to obtain an accurate and current pricing estimate. Make appointments for consultations with several clinics to talk about your unique circumstances and get customized information about the process and related expenses. As prices can have changed since my last update, it’s important to confirm directly with the clinics.

How much does 6000 hair grafts cost in Turkey?

According to this estimate, the price range for 6000 hair grafts is between $6,000 and $18,000. It’s vital to remember that these numbers are approximations and subject to wide variation. To obtain precise and recent pricing information, it is always advised to speak with certain clinics and surgeons in Turkey.

What are the factors affecting hair transplant cost in Turkey?

  • Doctors experience: There are many doctors and clinics in Turkey offering hair transplant Istanbul. These clinics have a high range in price difference. The most desired and experienced surgeons are at the top of the priest list. It will be the best option for you to check doctors or clinics reviews and background before deciding.
  • Hotel: You may choose a 5-star or 4-star hotel for accommodation which are included in all-inclusive packages. You may want to save choosing a 4-star hotel or wish to have some extra comfort in a 5-star hotel.
  • Technique: Many techniques are used for hair replacement. Some of them are advanced and special materials are used, which are extra cost. Cost may slightly change according to technique and materials are used.
  • Graft Number: Although most of the clinics offer all-inclusive packages, some of them has a cost per graft. It will be wise to know the maximum range of grafts to know how much you will pay most.

How much does hair transplant cost in Turkey?

In Turkey, the average cost for the all-inclusive hair transplant Istanbul package is € 2,300, the minimum cost is €1,100, and the maximum cost is € 6,000. The mentioned cost is nearly three times cheaper than the average package prices of other European Countries. In Germany, a hair implant approximately costs € 5,700, in the UK € 6,500, in Spain € 5,950, in Poland € 5,300.

How much does 3000 grafts cost in Turkey?

In hair transplant Istanbul, generally, 3000 grafts are processed on average, and 3000 grafts are approximately equal to 7500 hair strands. Most hair transplant Istanbul centres do only 3000 grafts of hair surgery, but they present the results to the patient because they have transplanted 7500 hairs.

Hair surgery Istanbul with 3000 grafts is neither more nor less, therefore, price calculations are made over 3000 grafts in hair implant and hair surgery price is presented in this way to those who are considering transplantation.

Some hair surgery in Turkey centres make false advertisements such as; more than 3000 grafts cannot be transplanted. If the donor area of the patient suitable for that kind operation more than 3000 grafts can be transplanted. On the other hand, overharvesting in order to perform more than 3000 grafts hair implant is dangerous for the future. Thus, true planning before the surgery is key of a successful hair surgery.

Hair surgery centres, which offer hair transplant Istanbul price with the calculation of grafts in hair surgery, make 3000 grafts of hair implant procedure, even if it is generally possible, and they offer a price between is €1,500, and € 4,500 for these 3000 grafts of hair implant. People with full hair loss may have to have 2 or more hair implant sessions, as 3000 grafts transplanted will definitely not be enough.

Is it safe to travel to Turkey for Hair Transplant?

Yesit is safe to travel to Turkey for Hair Transplant, indeed. Apart from being a historical and attractive tourism destination hair transplant Istanbul is the epicentre. Every year hundreds of thousands of individuals travel Turkey to get their surgeries not only for hair transplant Istanbul but also for the other medical interventions such as plastic surgery, orthopaedics, oncology, obesity surgery and organ transplantation.

How much does 2000 grafts cost?

In hair surgery, 2000 grafts are approximately equal to 5000 hair strands. The price of 2000 grafts is between €1,500, and € 4,500. On the other hand, the hair surgery cost of 2000 grafts in Turkey will not be so different than 4000 grafts hair implant or the cost of 3000 hair grafts since the most of the hair transplant Istanbul clinics offer all-inclusive packages for maximum  grafts transplantation.

How much does 6000 grafts cost in Turkey?

Range $1,500 and $8,500
The cost of a hair transplant Turkey operation with 6,000 grafts in Turkey generally ranges from $1,500 to $8,500. Fortunately, experienced hair transplant in Turkey offer very good prices compared to other clinics in Europe and the USA. This process can be costly because it requires expertise. In Turkey, graft costs typically ranged from $1 to $4 USD, with an average of $2 to $3 USD. The cost of a hair transplant in Turkey can be roughly estimated based on the number of grafts required. Grafts worth $1,500: Between $1,500 and $4,000. $2,000–$8,000 for a total of 2,000 grafts $3k–$12,000 for a total of 3,000 grafts. 

Range $2390 and $8900
The cost may increase or decrease depending on the number of changes. The average cost of 5,000 hair transplant in Turkey grafts is between $2,390 and $8,900 USD.

How much does 4000 hair grafts cost in Turkey?

In hair transplant Turkey, 4000 grafts are approximately equal to 10000 hair strands. The price of 4000 grafts is between €1,500, and € 4,500. The average package prices in Germany, is € 5,700, in the UK € 6,500, in Spain € 5,950, in Poland € 5,300. Some of the European and USA clinics charge per graft in those cases the cost of 4000 graft hair ımplant may be between € 6000 and € 14000.

Why is Hair Transplant so cheap in Turkey?

Turkey is well-known for performing hair surgery at regard of lower prices in comparison with the other countries and the UK.  It should not be thought that the cheaper prices are due to the poor quality of the hair implant clinics located in Turkey.

On the contrary, there are high-quality clinics and very experienced and well-trained hair implant surgeons perform in Istanbul; the capital of hair implant procedure.

The main reason why hair transplant in Turkey prices are cheaper is the lower cost of rent, material and product, and the high exchange rate difference between Turkish lira and EURO and USD. As a result, hair transplant Istanbul clinics can offer lower-cost procedures of equal or even higher quality.

How big is 3000 hair grafts?

A thousand grafts is how many hairs? The usual hair/graft ratio is between 1.8 and 2.2, and a healthy hair graft can contain one to five hair follicles. indicating that 5,400–6,600 hairs overall would be present in 3000 grafts.

What is the cost of 4000 hair grafts?

The approximate cost of the 4000 grafts used in this procedure is between $3,000 to $4000.

How much does hair transplant Istanbul prie?

The average cost per graft in hair transplant Istanbul often ranges from $1 to $3. Consequently, the estimated cost for 3000 graft hair transplant Istanbul may vary between $3,000 and $9,000.

Does insurance cover hair transplant?

No. Hair implant never covered by insurance because of hair surgery seen as a cosmedic procedures. On the other hand, insurance can cover hair transplant Turkey surgery for hair loss caused by a health condition.

Why Smile Hair Clinic?

Smile Hair Clinic was founded in 2018 by two doctors, Dr Gökay Bilgin and Dr Mehmet Erdoğan, working together in the hair surgery field for many years. Both of our doctors are very experienced and obsessed with quality.

To be sure, the operation’s quality and you will get the best where to buy tren ace possible result every step of your procedure is monitored and recorded to your medical file.

Sterilization and hygiene is a must for Smile Hair Clinic. When you step into our operation rooms, you will exactly know you are safe.

All our staff has an emergency and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training monthly.

Smile Hair Clinic had many happy and satisfied patients in these three years. When someone searches to find a clinic to have a hair transplant Istanbul, one of the essential point is former patients and experience, Smile Hair Clinic has a 4.9 over 5.0 Trust Pilot rating. We highly recommend you to check our satisfied patient’s comments about us.

Smile Hair Clinic Aftercare Program

After you have your operation, you need some time to heal also, not like most of the other aesthetic surgeries, hair transplant Istanbul results are not seen as soon as you have the surgery. In this period Smile Hair Clinic will assist you. Our team and doctors will answer all your questions and evaluate you if necessary.

Smile Hair Clinic Prices

At Smile Hair Clinic the package price range of Sapphire FUE Hair Trsnaspant is between 1890 EUR and 2690 EUR. DHI Hair Transplant package price range is between- EUR and – EUR. Prices may vary depending on the package scope.

What are the factors affecting hair transplant cost in Turkey?

  • Doctors experience: There are many doctors and clinics in Turkey offering hair implant. These clinics have a high range in price difference. The most desired and experienced surgeons are at the top of the priest list. It will be the best option for you to check doctors or clinics reviews and background before deciding.
  • Hotel: You may choose a 5-star or 4-star hotel for accommodation which are included in all-inclusive packages. You may want to save choosing a 4-star hotel or wish to have some extra comfort in a 5-star hotel.
  • Technique: Many techniques are used for hair replacement. Some of them are advanced and special materials are used, which are extra cost. Cost may slightly change according to technique and materials are used.
  • Graft Number: Although most of the clinics offer all-inclusive packages, some of them has a cost per graft. It will be wise to know the maximum range of grafts to know how much you will pay most.

Is 1000 FUE grafts enough?

As a simple guide you can expect hairline hair transplant Turkey surgery to require anything between 500-1800 grafts. For crown hair transplant Turkey surgery you may require anything between 2000 -3500 grafts.

Which country is cheapest for hair transplant?

Some clinics in Turkey, Mexico, India, Poland and Thailand are countries that we can give examples for affordable hair transplant Istanbul. Considering Price/Performance and considering the quality of Doctor, Clinic, we have added the above countries to the list.

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

When considering the value proposition of a hair surgery in Turkey, especially in esteemed clinics in Turkey, a common question often arises: “How long does a hair transplant Turkey last?” The longevity of the results plays a vital role in understanding the cost-effectiveness of the procedure.

Hair implants, when performed by skilled professionals, like those at Smile Hair Clinic, typically offer enduring results. The transplanted hair is usually sourced from areas resistant to the hormone responsible for hair thinning, ensuring that they retain their resilience post-transplant. However, it’s essential to understand that while the transplanted hair is permanent, one’s original hair may continue to thin or recede over time.

That said, with the right post-operative care and advised treatments, many patients find that their transplanted hair remains robust and natural-looking for decades. When weighing the cost of a hair transplant Turkey against its lasting benefits, the procedure often emerges as a worthwhile long-term investment in one’s appearance and confidence.

How much does 7000 grafts cost in Turkey?

For many considering a hair transplant Turkey, one of the vital questions that frequently comes up is, “How much does 7000 grafts cost in Turkey?” The answer, however, isn’t as straightforward as a single price tag. The cost varies, and this is due to several influential factors.

At Smile Hair Clinic, the price for hair surgery isn’t just about the number of grafts but is rather based on tailored packages designed specifically for each client. The necessity of 7000 grafts, or any specific number for that matter, is determined after a meticulous evaluation by our experienced surgeons. They assess the unique hair loss pattern, desired density, and individual needs of every client before making an informed decision.

While it’s tempting to look for a ballpark figure, it’s vital to understand that the final cost will depend on the comprehensive package you opt for. This package can include post-operative care, accommodation, transportation, and other additional services that make the entire experience seamless and stress-free. Instead of focusing solely on graft count, we recommend potential clients to look at the value and quality of the entire hair transplant Istanbul journey provided in Turkey. With Smile Hair Clinic, you’re not just investing in grafts, but in unparalleled expertise, care, and an overall transformative experience.

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