Dental Implants in Turkey

Dental Implants in Turkey All you need to know

Dental Implant surgeries are among the most common dental procedures done today. This procedure may be for cosmetic reasons or to improve teeth functionality. If you are looking for affordable and quality dental implants, Turkey is the destination to be at.

Types Of Dental Implants  Price Range Turkey Price Range Europe Price Range United Kingdom  Price Range United States
Single Tooth Implant 350€ – 1350€ 2000€ – 3500€ 2500£ – 6500£ 2500$ – 6000$
All-on-4 Dental Implants 2500€ – 3500€ 6000€ – 20000€ 10.000£ – 30.000£ 10.000$ – 30.000$
All-on-6 Dental Implants 9500€ – 14000€ 13000€ – 22000€ 20.000£ – 40.000£ 23.000$ – 40.000$
Full Mouth Implant 15000€ – 17000€ 10000€ – 35000€ 60.000£ – 90.000£ 50.000$ – 90.000$
Consultation Fee 0€ 50€ – 150€ 100£ – 500£ 100$ – 450$

Dental implants in Turkey are not only affordable but will be your best decision. People come to Turkey, which is known for medical tourism, from around the globe. Services in Turkey are best and because of the lira and dollar difference, with a little money, you can get much more services.

What exactly are dental implants, and what does the procedure entail? This article will shed light on dental implants in detail.

What Is A Dental Implant?

A dental implant is a medical device or prosthesis. It is implanted into the jaw surgically. Dental implants are screws made of titanium, which replaces the natural root of your tooth. It serves as a root to hold a prosthetic tooth.

How does a Dental Implant look?

The dental implant is also referred to as a dental implant system. It consists of two parts::

  •     The dental implant body
  •     The dental implant abutment with/without an abutment fixation screw 

The dental implant body has a screw-like shape. It is inserted into the jawbone surgically. It replaces the root of the tooth.

The dental implant abutment is an attachment to the implant body. It spans through the gum into the mouth to support the prosthetic tooth attached to it.

The dental abutment is the platform between the implant body and the prosthetic tooth. The abutment fixation screw is a part of the dental implant system. It is not always present in dental implants. This screw is attached to the dental abutment and supports the prosthetic tooth.

Types of Dental Implants

There are three types of dental implants. They include:

1.    Endosteal Dental Implant

The endosteal dental implant is the most common type of dental implant. Here, screw, blade, or cylinder-shaped implants are inserted into the jaw bone surgically. This implant permits the placement of more than one prosthetic tooth. It is a good option for people who already have dental bridges or dentures in place. 

If you are getting dental implants in Turkey, your doctor will ensure that your gums are healthy enough to get on with the procedure. In the case of diabetics or people with jaw diseases of any kind, dental implants are not recommended.

2.    Subperiosteal Dental Implants

Subperiosteal Dental implant is a less common type of dental implant. The implant is placed on or above the jaw.

Its metal framework post protrudes through the gum to hold the implant in position. This implant is a good option for patients who cannot wear conventional dentures.

It is also an alternative for persons whose bone height is inadequate for an endosteal dental implant. 

3.    Zygomatic Dental Implants

Zygomatic Dental implant is the least common type of dental implant. It is a very complex procedure and done when the jawbone present is insufficient for the endosteal implants.

Here, the implant is placed on the cheekbone or zygomatic bone rather than the jawbone.

How is a Dental Implant Procedure done?

The dental Implant procedure is the process where a dental implant is fixed. This procedure may involve a series of processes which may take 3-9 months to complete.

It involves a team of dental specialists which includes an oral surgeon and a periodontist.

The processes to getting your dental implant include:


1.    Dental Evaluation

Dental evaluation is an assessment of your teeth, jawbone and gums. It determines if your jawbone is healthy enough to maintain a dental implant. When getting  dental implants in Turkey, your dentist will take some tests to ensure your jaws are healthy enough.

An alternative procedure is done if the quality and quantity of your jawbone are inadequate.

You may also be disqualified for a dental implant if your gum is infected. It may be due to conditions like periodontal disease.

Additionally, an evaluation of your teeth will determine how many implants will be needed.


2.    Anaesthesia

This procedure requires anesthesia to numb the pain from the surgery. Anaesthesia given may be local or general, depending on the duration and type of the procedure.

Your dentist will inform you beforehand about the type of anesthesia you will need. 


3.    Implant Placement

The implant placement process depends on the type of dental implant you are getting. Dental implants in Turkey are available in the following two types.

For endosteal implants:

  • The oral surgeon will cut the gum to expose the jawbone underneath.
  • The surgeon will drill one or more holes into the jawbone for implant insertion.
  • The surgeon will then insert the implant into the hole
  • The surgeon may place temporary dentures on the implants until the permanent tooth is ready to be mounted.

For subperiosteal implants:

  • The implant is simply placed on or above the jawbone.
  • No drilling is required.

Implant placements cause a level of discomfort and swelling, regardless of the type of dental implant gotten. This discomfort can last for a few days after the procedure.


4.    Osseointegration

Osseointegration is the process by which the dental implant combines with the bone. Here, bone grows around the dental implant screw.

It takes two to six months after the implant placement for osseointegration.

Osseointegration causes the jaw bone to strengthen around the implant screw. This process is important to keep the screw firmly in place, so it can effectively function as the tooth’s root.


5.    Abutment Placement

The abutment may be placed in the same procedure as the implant screw, or at a second procedure.

Overgrown gum on the screw should be removed before placement if the abutment is placed in a second procedure. 

Healing occurs several days after abutment placement. While getting dental implants in Turkey, your dentist will ensure that your gums heal just right. 


6.    Tooth Placement

After healing is completed, the prosthetic tooth may now be mounted.

The dentist will obtain an impression of your teeth so that your new tooth can be a perfect fit. 

This prosthetic tooth can be fixed or removable

If you go for a removable tooth, it will be placed on a metal frame, and attached to the abutment. You can remove this type of tooth on your own for daily cleaning.

If you go for a fixed tooth, the prosthetic tooth will be permanently screwed or cemented to the abutment. You cannot remove this type of tooth, as it is permanently fixed. 

Once the placement is done, inform your dentist of any ongoing discomfort you may experience. Also, inform your dentist if you experience any of the following after the procedure:


  • Bleeding gums
  • Pain or toothache
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Discomfort when biting

Types of Dental Implant Procedures

Different procedures are employed to install a dental implant.

These procedures include:

  • Single Tooth Dental Implant

In this procedure, only one dental implant is installed to replace one missing or damaged tooth. When you opt for dental implants in Turkey, your dentist will assess if you need one or more implants.


  • Multiple Tooth Dental Implant

In this procedure, more than one dental implant is installed to replace multiple missing or damaged teeth.


  • Full Mouth Dental Implant

This is done for patients whose entire teeth are missing. Here, dental implants are utilized to replace every tooth in the mouth.


  • Sinus Augmentation

This procedure involves raising the sinus floor and developing bone to place the dental implant better.

A sinus augmentation is necessary for implants done on the bone with inadequate quality and quantity.

Bones of this calibre are encountered majorly in the upper back jaw.


  • Ridge Modifications

Here, bone or bone substitutes are used to reinforce a bone deformity before placing the implant.

It involves lifting the gum away from the ridge to expose the defect where the bone is missing. The void is then reinforced with bone or bone substitutes. Ridge modifications increase the chances of a successful implant.

The procedure employed varies from person to person and largely depends on the patient’s dental condition and preference. If you get dental implants in Turkey, you need not worry, you’ll get the best deal.


Criteria for getting a Dental Implant

Dental Implants are not suitable for everybody, so criteria are set to determine who can get one.


The following criteria must be satisfied before you can get a dental implant:

  • You should be in good general and oral health.
  • You must have healthy gums that are free of infections and periodontal disease.
  • Your jawbone is of adequate quality and quantity to support a dental implant. 

Pre-existing Conditions to Consider before getting a Dental Implant

Some conditions and habits are unfavourable for dental implants and are discussed with patients before the procedure.

These conditions include:


1.    Gum infections like severe periodontitis

Patients with severe periodontal disease are not eligible for dental implants.

Periodontitis compromises the gums, surrounding jawbone, and adjacent teeth. Further progression of the disease causes damage to the mouth.


2.    Tobacco smoking and vaping

Tobacco use is unfavourable to successful implant placement.

It is because tobacco use increases the risk of oral infections.

Nicotine limits blood flow to the gums and weakens immunity, which slows the healing process. In some cases, smoking can result in premature failure or loss of the implant.

Studies have shown that vaping has a similar unfavourable effect on dental implants and the surrounding tissues.


3.    Uncontrolled chronic conditions

Certain chronic conditions can prevent the successful integration of the implant in the jaw.

It is due to slower healing and osseointegration. These chronic conditions include:

  • Diabetes; Patients with diabetes typically have an increased risk of developing periodontal disease
  • Heart diseases such as myocarditis and heart failure
  • Cancers
  • Bone diseases such as Arthritis
  • Neurological problems such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis


4.    Medications

Some medications have been shown to affect the outcomes of dental implant procedures.

They include:

  • Long-term steroid treatment; this depresses immunity and impedes healing
  • Radiotherapy to the Jaw bone

When you undergo a procedure for dental implants in Turkey, your dentist will take into account all the possibilities before suggesting you the right type of implant.

Which country is best for Dental Implants?

Turkey is undoubtedly the best country for dental implants. Why?

1.    Cheaper cost:

Turkey provides one of the cheapest dental implant services in the world. Dental implants in Turkey are more affordable than in other countries like America and the United Kingdom.


2.    High Standard of Care:

Turkey is known to possess the best doctors in the field. Dental implants are done properly, and efficiently in Turkey.


3.    State-of-the-art facilities:

Dental implants in Turkey are carried out effectively with world-class equipment and facilities. 


How much do Dental Implants cost in Turkey?

Dental implants in Turkey are very affordable, costing about $400-$10,000 depending on the type of implant.

Dental implants in America however, are very expensive, costing around $2,500-$100,000.

In the United Kingdom, Dental Implants cost around $1,000-$100,000.


 Benefits of Dental Implants

The benefits of dental implants include:

  1.   Corrects and restores the cosmetic appearance: Dental implants look and feel natural. They improve your appearance.
  2.   Improves dental function like chewing: Dental implants feel like your teeth. It makes chewing easier and more seamless.
  3.   Improves quality of life: Makes day-to-day activities like talking, eating or biting easier.
  4.   Boosts self-confidence: Gives you the confidence to smile and talk in public.
  5.   Preserves the health of bones and gums: Helps replace damaged teeth that may otherwise affect the jaw and surrounding gums.
  6.   Maintains stability of the teeth: Dental implants keep your prosthetic tooth in place when talking and chewing.
  7.   Prevents bone loss and shrinking of the jawbone: Tooth loss can cause the jawbone to shrink. Dental implants improve bone growth around the area and prevent the jaw bone from shrinking.
  8.   Improved speech: Dental implants stay in place and do not slip, thus making your speech clear. Other dental prosthetics like dentures may slip and lead to slurring of speech.
  9.   Comfort: Dental implants feel very natural and comfortable, unlike dentures.
  10. Durability: Dental implants are durable and can last for years. This way, you don’t need to worry about replacing them every few years.


Risks of Dental Implants

There are risks associated with dental implant surgery. These risks include:

1.    Surgical injuries

During surgery, injuries are likely to occur. Injuries that may occur include the following:

  •     Fracture of the surrounding jawbone.
  •     Damage to the surrounding teeth during implant placement.
  •     Loss of sensation after surgery due to nerve damage.

2.    Infections

Infections occur due to inadequate aseptic practice during surgery. Non-sterilized surgical equipment may also be a source of infection.


3.    Loss of Dental Function

There may be an incomplete restoration of dental function, such as biting or chewing. 


4.    Poor Oral Hygiene

There may be difficulties in cleaning the gum around the implant after the surgery.


How to care for your new Dental Implants

The following are ways you can care for your new Dental implant:

1.    Daily brushing and flossing:

Dental implants need to be brushed twice daily for two minutes. Flossing your implants as well helps remove accumulated food debris. 

Daily brushing and flossing help prevent the buildup of plaques and bacteria along the gums. It also prevents gum infections and diseases.


2.    Use the right tools:

What you use to clean your implant is very important. 

Soft-bristled toothbrushes are preferred for brushing. Ideally, your toothbrush should be able to reach the back of your mouth. When you’ll undergo a procedure for dental implants in Turkey, your dentist can also recommend the tools you can use.


  1.   Change your toothbrush:

Your toothbrush should be changed every 3 months. After 3 months, your toothbrush may not efficiently remove plaque and debris from your implants.


    4.    Avoid certain habits and foods:

Some habits and foods can damage your implants in the long run.

They include

  • Nail biting
  • Hard foods
  • Chewing on ice

These habits, if not stopped, can damage your implant. 


5.    Stay hydrated:

Water promotes saliva production. Saliva helps remove excess food and bacteria from implants. Saliva also helps neutralize acids produced by bacteria in the mouth.


6.    Regular visits to your dentist:

Visit your dentist at least twice a year for dental exams and cleaning.

In some cases, your dentist may require more frequent visits. It may happen if there is a problem or complication noticed. 


How are Dental Implants Evaluated for Safety?

Dental implants are made of materials that follow international consensus standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

These standards contain details of what makes a safe material.

Most dental implant systems are made of titanium, while others are of gold alloys, cobalt-based alloys, or ceramics. The safety profiles of these listed materials are well-known.

Dental implants are evaluated according to ISO standards. When you get dental implants in Turkey, you can ask your dentist to show you if the implant has an ISO mark.

Biocompatibility testing shows that bodily contact with the device does not cause complications like irritation or allergic reaction. This test confirms that it is safe to use in the human body.

Manufacturers must prove to the FDA that their implants are safe before they can market the implants.


Alternatives to Dental Implants

Alternatives to Dental implants include:

1.    Dental bridges

Dental bridges are great options for missing teeth or gaps between teeth.

A dental bridge is a false tooth held in place by abutment teeth on either side of the gap.

This false tooth is also called a pontic.

There are four main types of dental bridges. They include:

  • Traditional dental bridge
  • Maryland dental bridge
  • Cantilever dental bridge
  •  Implant-supported dental bridge


The cost of the procedure varies based on the type of dental bridge used.

Their prices are as follows:


  • Traditional dental bridges cost $2,000-$5,000
  • Maryland dental bridges cost $1,500-$2,500
  • Cantilever dental bridges cost $2,000-$5,000
  • Implant-supported dental bridges cost $5,000-$15,000


Dental bridges are replaced every 5 to 15 years, unlike permanent implants. 


2.    Dentures

Dentures are removable false teeth. It is either acrylic, nylon or metal.

Dentures are of two types:


  • Partial dentures replace just one or a few teeth.
  • Complete dentures, which replace all upper or lower teeth.
  •  Immediate dentures; are used after tooth extraction.


Dentures are more affordable, costing $1,000-$30,000 based on the type.

Disadvantages of dentures include:

  • They lack stability. Denture wearers often complain of wobbling or shifting in their dentures while chewing
  • Require daily removal
  • Feel bulky and uncomfortable


3.    Tooth flippers

Tooth flippers are almost the same as partial dentures. However, they are cheaper and less durable. 

Tooth flippers cost around $200-$500, and are quick to fabricate.

Disadvantages of tooth flippers:


  • They are not durable
  • They do not look as natural as other alternatives.
  • Requires extra cleaning before putting in and taking out.

To conclude:

Dental implants are a great way of improving your smile and appearance. It is good to choose an implant to go for based on your needs and financial capacity.

Turkey is by far the cheapest country to have a standard dental implant. A procedure for dental implants in Turkey will not only save you money but also leave you with a healthy smile.
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