Hair Loss In Women

Hair Loss In Women is one of the situations many women face at some point. Hair loss can occur due to various reasons.

Today, since social media is essential, unfortunately, the emotional and psychological destruction of hair loss in women is more severe than in men because there is a belief that women who are accepted by society will have thick and beautiful hair lifelong.

That is why women do not accept hair loss or baldness during their lives. Hair loss, which directly affects the person’s social life and psychology, can be treated with various applications, and it may be possible to eliminate this problem by FUE hair transplantation on permanent hair loss.

Reasons for Hair Loss in Women

Androgenetic Alopecia: AGA (Androgenetic Alopecia), which can occur according to the genetic predisposition and the level of androgen hormone, is the most common cause of hair loss in women and men. AGA in women usually occurs during menopause after the age of 40.

The first stage occurs with thinning and dilution of the hair. The male hormone testosterone secreted from the ovaries and adrenal glands is responsible for this situation.

Although testosterone is synthesized much less in women than in men, it interacts with the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme in the hair bud (capillary bulb) and turns into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT leads to thinning, dilution, and eventually loss of hair. Since 5-alpha-reductase is less in women, hair loss is significantly less than in men.

Conditions that directly affect hormones such as pregnancy, giving birth, birth control pills, and thyroid diseases are also factors that trigger hair loss in women.

Traction Style hair loss is another common cause. Ponytails and hair shapes that stretch the hair back cause hair loss by pulling the hair follicles back, and combining them with a tight comb for years causes severe hair loss.

Anemia and low blood iron levels are also among the most important factors of hair loss in women. Women regularly lose iron in blood every month, and their consumption of red meat is generally less than men, causing a decrease in blood iron. Hair loss gets better when the iron is supplemented from outside.

It has been reported that it may cause hair loss side effects of medications used in cancer, gout treatment, hypertension treatment, arthritis treatment, heart problems, and depression.

Sudden hair loss in situations that cause extreme stress and emotional trauma is an influential factor in losing all body hair. A father who learned that his son was in prison applied to our clinic because of a loss of eyelashes within 2 days. In such cases, getting psychological support will be one of the most important steps toward solving the problem.

It has been reported that irregular diet and excessive weight loss are also important factors affecting hair loss. Make sure you take the necessary vitamins and minerals for your body during your diet.

Classification of Hair Loss in Women 

The most commonly used classification for hair loss in women is the “Ludwig Classification”.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd-grade classification can be observed in the figure above.

Diagnosis of Hair Loss in Women 

Hair loss in women is not in the form of a backward opening of the hairline like in men. It is generally seen as sparseness in the top area. The chart above demonstrates the grades of hair loss in Ludwig Classification.

It is much more difficult to prevent hair loss in women and to ensure that the person can have healthy hair again. Thus, understanding the factors that cause spillage is the most crucial step. At this point, various blood tests are performed, and the patient’s blood values are examined comprehensively. Tests are made to diagnose diseases that may cause hair loss. The onset date and the progression process are vital at the diagnosis stage.

During the diagnosis process, the doctor can perform a hair pull test. This test is a simple test conducted by the doctor holding the hair near the base of the hair and pulling it down the hair shaft. Trials examining the scalp, such as microscopic methods for analyzing hair follicles, scalp biopsy, and phototrichogram, can also be applied during the diagnosis phase.

Treatment Methods of Hair Loss in Women  

In women, it is essential to diagnose hair loss at the right time and to initiate treatment before proceeding to advanced stages. All the factors that cause hair loss in women are considered during the planning process of the treatment. Medical treatment can be applied to patients and surgical intervention with the FUE hair transplantation method.

Medical treatments in female hair loss are mostly performed through medications containing finasteride for the repair of hair follicles. Although some patients stated that these medications cause side effects such as dry skin and lack of sexual desire, there were no significant differences in the placebo and control groups in the studies on these side effects. Briefly, the stories on the internet do not reflect the truth.

Laser treatment for female hair loss is another method used. This treatment, which is applied by irradiating the hair follicles, may effectively strengthen the hair follicles, but it is not the definitive solution.

Mesotherapy in female hair loss is a treatment method injected under the skin to feed the capillaries in the hair follicles with a mixture containing rich vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. The achievement drive in this treatment is very high.

FUE hair transplantation is an effective treatment method for male patients with hair loss problems and women struggling with the same problem.

It must be performed by specialist physicians in a hygienic environment, using the latest technologies in this field, taking into account the psychological state and comfort of the patients. Hair transplantation can be done by applying different methods. Sapphire Hair Transplantation for women provides very successful outcomes.

What Can We Do for You?

Hair loss is a problem that can be alleviated, stopped, and prevented by regeneration through various treatment methods. Reading our article titled “Ways to Prevent Hair Loss and Hair Care” will significantly benefit from preventing hair loss.

You can make free video conferences with our doctors and get support to determine and treat the cause of loss. At Smile Hair Clinic, we will provide you with all the help you need to treat your hair problems with our physicians, known for their global studies in FUE hair transplantation and who have treated thousands of patients so far.

If necessary, our doctors will help you regain your last look with the Sapphire Hair Transplantation method.

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