Accordion Sample DescriptionThere are minimum or close to no dietary restrictions. The only thing we require our patients is to avoid alcohol for the first 10 days after the surgery. Also we ask them to do some restrictions on spicy or salty food for the first three to five days. Of course, you can have some spice or salty food but it should be within the normal limits and with no exaggeration.

You can comp your hair after the transplantation, because it's your existing hair, it's your hair, you can use even long hair, you can comb it,you can do any style.It doesn't interfere or it is not avoid it by the hair transplantation procedure. You can use it as normal.

We want patients at least for a month not to shave or cut or trim their hairs. Usually after a month you can use scissors for the recipient side or trimmers or clippers for the donor side to shave your hair. But, other than that, at least for two to three months we do not want you to use the trimmers or clippers in the recipient side because it may pull or damage the skin or hair, that's why you should avoid that.

You can. You should avoid water on newly transplanted zone.You can wash below your neck.

You may start to use clippers for the sides and donor zone one month after the hair transplant. But, for the new hair, you should wait 6 months to use clippers.

Yes, you can. But, we advise our patients to start dying there or coloring their hair 6 to 8 weeks after the hair transplant surgery when the regrowth of the hair starts.

Wait for our patients to ask someone to pick them up and drop back home after the hair transplant surgery. We do it for a couple of reasons. First of all, a hair transplant surgery is a 6 to 8 hours procedure, so basically you can be really tired after the procedure. During the surgery where it means some medication to the patients and some of them can make you feel a little bit sleepy. So, for your safety, please don't drive the car immediately after the hair transplant surgery.

There are no restrictions regarding the aspects. The only thing we tell our patients is to avoid too much sunlight exposure or ultraviolet light exposure for the first six months after the hair transplant surgery. We asked it for two reasons. First of all, it can cause extensive scar formation and number two, it can cause an altered pigmentation across your scalp. So, for the first six months, after the hair transfer surgery if you're going to be under direct sunlight for a longer period of time please use a hat, cap or a sunscreen with an SPF 40 to 50.

You can wear a hat you want after 10 days of your hair transplant. For changes you are going to wear a loose hat or sometimes a bandana or a loose scarf will really work.

Patients may need some medications after the surgery. As a package, we provide patients to use after the surgery as antibiotics, painkillers and other unswelling medications. But, sometimes according to the consultation and the hair transplantation procedure technique, they may need to use other other one-year medications that we that your doctor may prescript to you but it depends on the patients can.

Yes. This is something we recommend patients to to use it. Because normally the usage is mostly for the implant not for the implanted hairs for the existing hairs because when we do the implantation there are some also existing hairs. And we need to improve the thickness in order to give a combination treatment to the patient because the transplanted hairs will grow. But if the patient lose his actual hair existing care, it means that he may need another surgery but our thing is to to think the patient in a 360 degree and we want them to have a good result in the future. So, for keeping the hairs not to lose it and also improve the thickness, we want to use finasteride maybe in some patients also minoxidil too.

Minoxidil is one of two FDA approved medical treatments for the hair loss problems. The minoxidil use is not the must but we advise that for the patients with androgenetic alopecia to minimize the miniaturization of the hair help with the regrowth of the hair after the heat transfer surgery.

No, it does not. We just cover that bald spots with the existing hair after your hair transplant. So, every time you have your hair transplant,your donor area loses its density additive like 20 to 30 percent.

The answer for this question is different. We need to wait for at least 6 to12 months. Before the second surgery, if we didn't perform any incisions or implantations at the area we want to perform, the second surgery we can do next surgery 6 months after. But if there were any implantations or incisions, it's better to wait for at least 12 months.

Patients after the hair transplantation should sleep at their donor area at least 7 to 10 days. If they avoid and if the transplanted hairs and not touch the pillow or other things during the sleeping it's okay. But we usually recommend patients to use a neck pillow and to avoid turning to right or left and sleeping on donor area is the safest part for the patient's condition.

The grafts become secure at least 5 to 10 days after the surgery. But the first 24 hours, of course the incisions that we did during the operation will be more the wound aids will be closed. So it will be become stabilized, but still fragile after the 5 sometimes 6, 7 or until 10 days. The grafts may be not so secure, so patients should avoid some kind of wearing hats or sleeping as normally or the things that we advise after the post-operative care is the important thing. So, patients should avoid everything at least at 10 days

It depends on the type of job you do. If you work on any physical job, we advise our patients to stay away from the physical activity and dusty environments for the first 10 to 14 days. After the hair transplant surgery till the scabs are off. If you work in an office condition or an outdoor or from home you can be to work two to three days after the heat transfer.

For the first 30 days, after the hair transplant surgery, you should wash your hair every day. But, for the first 2 weeks, after the hair transfer surgery, you should wash your hair the way we explain you in the clinic or it's explained in the guideline.

After the surgery we expect some small bleedings in the first night or in the second day also, but it's very minimal we do not expect it continuous bleeding. Maybe, it's just pop-up of the grafts in some parts and it's very minimal bleeding and it shouldn't be. There is no need to do something for that just pressing over. It will be enough.

Hair transplant is not noticeable in the end. But, in the progress ,at least after third week until fourth month or fifth month until the hairs grow, yes some redness may occur or some due to density in lack of density it may be noticeable. But, when it's totally grown and we we see the real result if it is done very properly with the right angle with the right direction and right implantation it is not noticeable. So, whatever we have to we we want to do for the patients is giving a natural a an aesthetical look after the surgery and the result.

Actually PRP is not most of the doctor's approved solution for the hair loss treatment. But in my daily practice, in our clinic, that other doctors prefer PRP when there is onset of the hair loss. So repeated prp sessions is very beneficial and affected effect by the hair loss problems. And after the surgery, it gives a good recovery period, it heals better and the the growth will be quicker if it is done repeatedly at least a month for five to six months.

The answer is very individual because we never know when the shedding or the hair loss will stop in some patients. The hair loss may stop immediately after the hair transplant surgery. Because the active stage of the shedding is gone or in some patients it may last up to the age of 50 or even 55.

Finasteride is one of the two FDA approved medical treatments for the hair loss. Finasteride is the most potent or efficient medication today. We have to treat the androgenetic alopecia at least 85 of the patients who use the finasteride they stop the hair loss and the hair start to improve gaining back their volume and density

After the hair transplantation, we do not recommend too many restrictions for the diet. But, at least 2 to 3 days in order to prevent some swelling, we do not want patients to eat more salt during their diet but other than that there is no restriction with any food preference.

We expect the regrowth of the hair at around week 8 to 16 after the hair transfer surgery. In some patients, the regrowth may take a little bit longer for this reason. We ask for our patients to wait for at least 6 months to see at least 30 to 40 percent of the regrowth of the hair.

We expect some success rates in different areas. Especially, the frontal area is more vascularized. So, the success rates are more than 95 percent but when we come for the crown area due to circulation and anatomical and physical physiological conditions, the success rates are 70 to 80 percent. And, it depends on the grafts needed by hair transplantation in the desired area. If patient needs two high graft numbers in the vertex even implanting more grafts, that area will be resulted as lower success rates. So, according to the hair transplantation principles, each different area needs different density implantation during the surgery.

Patients may need to use finasteride, minoxidil which are FDA approved treatments after the hair transplantation according to their existing cares condition. If they have a very thin miniaturized hairs in their recipient side, in order to -prevent them for future hair loss or in order to give the thickness to them, patients may need to use minoxidil and finasteride medication after the transplantation at least a year and after a year we need to re-evaluate it again.

We advise our patients to wash their head for the first one month after the hair transplant surgery every day for the first two weeks. It should be done the way it's explained in the clinic or shown on our video. The temperature of the water should be the warm one, it should not be very cold, it should not be hot, the warm comfortable temperature of the water is enough.

The next day of your operation after the doctors controlled you and they say it's okay for you to fly you can fly back to your country.

Patients after the hair transplantation go to the work even two days later one day or two days later. Because it's not a physical thing. But of course if patient wants to rest, we advise we recommend them to at least one or two days to rest and then they go to the their work. But, the main thing maybe the patient's concerned about that is patients may not be seen by other people or eyes on their hair transplantation. So, sometimes they do not want to go to work very soon but they can just go back to their work two days later.

You can start light exercises after 15 days of your hair transplant. After one month, you can fully resume your activities and you can hit the gym really hard.

Hair transplantation is a normal procedure and after the hair transplantation patients may have sexual intercourse. There is no contraindication for that even just after the surgery. It's possible to do it because it's not a contraindication for the transplantation. Only the patients have to take care is not to sweat too much during all physical activities like a sexual intercourse

You can use your shower with normal pressure after hair transplant after 10 days. In 10 days, your grafts will attach your skin. So, there will be no harm for your grafts with the normal pressure.

You will see the finest result of the hair transplant after two years. In six months, you will start to see some results. For some people, it's much more more better than they expected. And in 6 to 8 months, it will increase, that's like, it will be the final result, stands like 8 percent of the final results density, in one year it will be like 90 percent of the final results density and in 2 years you will see the final result.

After the hair transplant surgery, your hair will immediately start to grow.But around week 4 to 8, you will start to notice your new hair transplant hair will suddenly start to shedd off. This is the normal physiology and biology of your hair. This phenomenon is called the shock hair loss. After that, when the shock hair loss is over your new hair will start to regrow around week 8 to 16 after the hair transplant surgery. We see initial results around 4 to 6 minutes after the hair transplant surgery.Initial results are only 30 maybe up to the 50. The final results, good results will take up to one year. It's around 80 to 85 of the results and final results may take up to 18 months after the hair transfer surgery.

Any natural shampoo will do good after your hair transplant. You should avoid harmful chemicals and you can google the ingredients of the shampoo and you may choose the best one. But, if you ask my personal opinion, you may buy natural olive oil shampoos that will work.

Hair transplant do not protect your existing hair or cause to lose them in the future. It's all about your genetics. If your genetics coded, then you will.

After the operation, we sometimes see some side effects. But, they are mostly expected. It's not resulted as a complication so whatever we see usually is a forehead swelling in the front. Sometimes, redness after the operation at least last 2 to 3 weeks.And during the growth fuzz, we see some pimples in the recipient side. But, if we are talking about the complications which is very rare and could be still seen in a unskilled hand is the tissue necrosis in the recipient side and also a donor shock loss area which could be resulted as not aesthetically looking after the operation.

PRP is not a must treatment of the hair transplant surgery. But we advise it because it facilities of re-growth of the hair, helps to fight miniaturization and the recovery of the skin after the hair transplant surgery.

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