Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Hair Loss

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Hair Loss

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Hair Loss – The most significant cause of hair loss in women is the male hormone testosterone and dihydro-testosterone produced from it. This type of hair loss is called Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA).

Genetic predisposition from the family plays a massive role in this type of hair loss. While testosterone and dihydro-testosterone increase hair growth on bald skin, it causes thinning and shedding of the scalp hair. Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most crucial cause of androgenetic alopecia hair loss, which begins in women at a young age.

Hair loss due to polycystic ovary syndrome starts from the middle of the scalp and progresses toward the front, this type of hair loss is called “Christmas Tree Pattern” hair loss.

In women’s hair loss due to polycystic ovary, other symptoms of the disease, especially menstrual irregularity and excessive hair growth can be seen, or hair loss on its own can occur.

Studies have stated that the levels of male hormones are high in only some of the women who suffer from hair loss due to AGA. This is because the hormones measured in the blood release the hormone levels from the ovaries and adrenal glands.

However, most of these hormones are produced in the skin, fat, and breast tissue. It indicates that very little of the male hormones produced here pass into the blood.

Another annoying physical symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome for women is excessive hair growth and hirsutism. Dihydro-testosterone stimulation, on the other hand, activates the hair follicles in the bald skin so that hirsutism begins.


How do I reduce body hair growth due to polycystic ovary?

How can I prevent hair loss due to polycystic ovary?

Unfortunately, birth control pills are still given despite the side effects of hair loss, excessive hair growth due to polycystic ovary syndrome, and the risks of clotting in the lung and breast cancer. Since these pills do not provide a long-term and permanent solution, they should not be used for hair loss due to polycystic ovary and excessive hirsutism.

To reduce hair loss and excessive hair growth, you first need to lose weight and reduce your insulin resistance under the supervision of an endocrinologist and dietician. In this way, the amount of testosterone produced from the ovaries decreases, and the free forms of testosterone circulate in the blood due to increased protein production from the liver.

Finasteride is one of the few hair loss treatments that has received FDA approval. Testosterone is converted to dihydro-testosterone by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase, and this hormone is the cause of hair loss and unwanted hair growth.

Finasteride inactivates this enzyme, and the dihydro-testosterone hormone is significantly reduced. Finasteride, widely used by men in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia, should be considered the first treatment option for this type of hair loss in women.

Thanks to finasteride, the number of existing hair and thickening of thin hair are observed. In scientific studies, it has been determined that using finasteride in individuals with excessive hair growth; hirsutism significantly reduces hair growth.

Hair loss and hair transplantation due to polycystic ovary syndrome

If the hair loss due to polycystic ovary syndrome continues for many years, the density increase cannot be achieved due to changes in diet or the use of finasteride. Therefore, the only option left is hair transplantation.

There are very few dihydro-testosterone receptors in the hair on the back of the head, so the hair here is transplanted to increase the density in other areas.

With FUE technology, the hair follicles are taken one by one from the back side, and there is a particular indeterminate scar that will not be visible because it is under your other hair. The lost hair is regained in a short time, which is about a year.

Women are not as comfortable as men explaining that they have had a hair transplant. It is very difficult to understand that women have hair transplantation because they can easily camouflage the operation areas with their long hair.

Every year, a considerable number of women also, it is not an excessive number like millions of men though, undergo hair transplantation.

Smile Hair Clinic and Hair Transplantation for Women

Hair transplantation for women is different from hair transplantation for men in terms of the shape of the hairline and the angles of the hair. In Smile Hair Clinic, personal planning is made before each FUE hair transplant operation. 

Our doctors, who have successfully performed hair transplantation on many women with hair loss, take into account your own needs and requirements for your hair. By evaluating the shape of your face, the most suitable hair transplantation method is determined for you.

Our expert patient consultants provide the necessary support from the very beginning to the end of the process, allowing you to spend the whole process most comfortably.

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